
You would like to start a portal or you already have a portal but you are not satisfied with your service provider?

We provide a sophisticated platform that fits your needs!

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The System for Advisory-Portals


A System that fits your needs! Do not compromise when it comes to performance, features and ease of use. We created a system as clear and intuitive as possible so you can focus on the success of your company.

62 Sites are currently using our Software. 47 Calls are active right now.

  • Advantages
  • Screenshots
  • References

Lates standard

All our portals are made
with the HTML5-Standard!


Our HTML-Code is fully optimized for search engines.


Most features compared to other systems.

Quick help

Get help fast through our internal Support-System.


We are only using high performance webservers.


The communication between the client and the server is always encrypted.


All functionalities for the customer support are included.

Phone-system included

The Phone-system is included and controlled by the portal software.

Fault Safety

Our services are being monitored 24/7.

We would be happy to send you our references and a non-binding offer.

Request references

Flexcom - Von-Richthofen-Str. 3 - 97232 Giebelstadt - Germany
